
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Vacation Day 7: Michigan to Cincinnati


It's been a while since I've posted on the blog, thanks to poor wifi and lots of driving from city to city. But I'm back, and edited a good amount of photos for this post for y'all to enjoy!

Monday we visited Ohio State for Cameron, and I ended up doing a little impromptu photoshoot while we were walking around High St. I posted some of the edited photos in an album on my Facebook page, so if you haven't checked them out already, I hope you do! Cameron is my most favorite subject to take photos of! 

We then drove from Ohio State to Michigan on Tuesday morning (super sacrilegious to Ohio State, I know) and we walked around campus when we got there. Cameron's favorite thing about campus aside from the Law Quad was the abundance of squirrels. They were so fat, I could't believe it! Just look at these cuties. 

The buildings were GORGEOUS, there was such breathtaking architecture! My favorite part was the Law Quad. And fun fact, Harry Potter was almost filmed in those buildings! I shot these photos around 6:30 so the lighting is perfect. 

There were also some very cool sculptures on campus, one of which looks like a sculpture in downtown Houston. It was like a little part of home in Michigan! It was so refreshing to see a campus in which art is integrated into the campus gracefully and appreciated by students. 

That is all of the photos that I felt were good enough to post, I hope y'all enjoy them! Tomorrow we will be attending the Reds game and then driving to Tennessee to visit Vanderbilt and more family! The north is great to visit, but the south is calling me home.



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